
 WhiteSpace is a toy language. The name says it all: the only meaningful tokens in WhiteSpace are space, tabulation and linefeed. You'll find on this page a few software related to this language.

 -WhiteSpace C++: This package contains a virtual machine, an assembler, a disassembler and a compiler from a C-like language. You'll need gmpxx and ucpp to compile this package.

 -whitespace: A WhiteSpace interpreter written in WhiteSpace.

 -whitespace.c: The source of the above interpretor in a C-like language.

 -And to end, a few quines in WhiteSpace : quine-1.ws, quine-2.ws, quine-3.ws, quine-5.ws.

For any remark, suggestion, bug-report, or whatever concerning this page, you can join me at whitespace@ambre.net.
